Spread The Vote is an organization that obtains IDs for people who need them for jobs, housing, medical care, and, in states with voter-ID laws, to vote. They operate in Texas, Tennessee, Virginia, Georgia, and Florida to assist the 11% of the population (the 21 million eligible voters in America) who do not have the photo ID.
Spread The Vote primarily obtains IDs for students (especially those in states where students cannot vote with their student IDs), citizens living below the poverty level, seniors, returning citizens, and more. With those IDs our voters are able to access the resources and services they need to start new lives and to advance themselves socially and economically, and they are able to vote on election day.
In order to fight discriminatory voter-ID laws, Spread the Vote plans to grow and build new operations with the goal of being in all 20 photo ID states in time for the 2020 elections.
To learn more visit their website or if you’d like to consider a gift please contact the Founder and Executive Director, Kat Calvin, at kat[at]spreadthevote.org.