Advisory | Impact | Investment

The Funding Space 2019

The Funding Space is a learning, creative, and partnership development space. It brings together local and international experts in social entrepreneurship and fundraising, impact investors, venture capitalists, and financial institutions to facilitate sessions.

The Diversity of Family Foundations and Engaging High Net Worth Individuals

Every family, individual, and foundation is different. Consultants have to have a toolkit of competencies, active listening, and facilitation skills to approach each engagement in distinct ways. Watch a conversation with consultants Dawn Franks, President of Your Philanthropy, and Yvonne Moore, Principal Advisor of Moore Philanthropy, to discuss how to work effectively with family foundations and high-net worth individuals to support their philanthropic efforts.

Learn more and play the video.

Women’s History Month FB Live Special featuring Yvonne Moore from Moore Philanthropy. #GlobalGiving #GlobalGoals

Never Underestimate the Power of a Network

No successful movement has ever come about without the power of a great network. And when I use the word great I do not mean large in numbers. The origins of a great network usually come about because of a shared vision for a better life, the mental and psychological exhaustion due to injustice, or simply the human need for connection. Whatever the goal or the model chosen, in no way make the mistake of belittling the efficacy and influence of a well-informed and well-connected network.

Read the entire piece here.

Values Out Loud: Be Bold!

Yvonne Moore, Founder and Principal Philanthropic Advisor of Moore Philanthropy delivers a keynote speech on the value Be Bold! at the 2018 Segal Family Foundation Annual Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya.

Listen to the speech and play the video.

The Language of the Deaf Must Be Heard

I’ll be honest. When I signed up for the Katerlinden School networking visit I had no idea I would be spending the morning learning about the culture and #community of the deaf and the #disabled. I’d clearly misread the description in the conference briefing. I quickly and eagerly read words and phrases like artist-led, ambitious socio-education, and #democracy and culture. Yet not once did I associate these talents, ethos or dreams as those #inclusive of, or important to those who cannot hear or see.

Read the entire piece here.