Strategies to Advance Economic Security for Children and Families in the Face of COVID-19

Even before COVID-19, children around the world had been facing another pandemic, with over 300 million children living on less than $1.90/day despite declining global poverty rates. Now, according to UNICEF and Save the Children, the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic could thrust at least 86 million more children from lower and middle-income countries into household poverty by the end of 2020. In the US, the annual poverty rate will reach levels comparable to the Great Recession, and child poverty is projected to rise by 53%. The implications for child health, safety, social mobility, and well-being are catastrophic and will also widen gender, racial and ethnic disparities. Even amidst this bleak forecast, bold solutions are emerging, from grassroots to grasstop NGOs, policy advocates, funders, and field leaders.

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